Monday 7 October 2024

September 2024

 I don’t know who asked me what I would do when I retired ? Aren’t you bored they say.. Well frankly NO. I have not been busier. I have hardly been able to spend any time in my sewing space and won’t again for the next two weeks. This is more for my reference than yours but enjoy the photos anyway. 

We took Bernie’s brother and his wife on a one week adventure touring places they have never been. They live up near Cairns north Queensland so this is long way from home for them. We had a fabulous time. We have also had wonderful family time this month and more to come in the next fortnight. Happy sewing bloggers

                                         Pokolbin and Hunter Valley Area..
The food was amazing in Pokolbin and below are sculptures from  Wollombi 

Tasted lots of wine , gin and Whisky
Bucket list - whale watching in Tuncurry we were so close one even come up at the boat but we had decided to put camera away and just admire 
Gloucster and thenWalcha
Family time supporting no. 74 in State basketball competition and going to Brisbane to see the stage show Wicked. Also dealing with little Minnie being spayed.

September Challenge

 Well September was a challenge to get some sewing in . But I did begin my quilt and finished  3 blocks. I found with this quilt perfection is absolutely necessary. It took a long time just to do this but I’m sure I will get faster as I go. 

. I
One day it will be this 

Tuesday 3 September 2024

My challenge for September will be to begin the “Forest Friends” quilt I bought in the USA when I was there in 2017. The quilt is by Elizabeth Hartman so I think I’m in for lots of cutting and sewing. I bought it at a really lovely quilt store near Berlin in Ohio. 

                                                This was the quilt shop.!

After unpacking this it seems like it’s only one small section ..but that’s ok . I  might modify and use my stash as I like the lime green colours more.  We’ll see? I’ll start small and I can add to the flimsy. I know Annette has done this and it was lots of sewing and cutting. OMG I have so many quilts to sew . Don’t let me buy more ! And I’m going on a retreat with a shop this weekend . Give me strength Quilting Fairies!

August Summary of Chookshed Stitchers Challenge.

 Well hello everyone.๐Ÿ˜Š Sorry I’m late with this summary of August’s challenge which was to work on my EPP. I have no where near finished my Lucy Boston Quilt but I have advanced. Some more joining and planning and completely finished the cutting. I have decided to put this quilt together in quarters. This is the first quarter , probably 3/4 stitched. I have laid out the second quarter and have all the rows in bags ready to sew on the go. Then I realised I still had some filler blocks to go . They are now all cut and ready to sew.


Wednesday 14 August 2024

New Zealand Anniversary Quilt

 I am So happy to have finally made this quilt. I am still undecided on whether to add a border or not.  But all in all the flimsy is finished. This quilt tells the story of our trip to New Zealand with fabrics I bought in NZ on that trip, the only exception was the blue sky. 

From the bottom up the story goes… over the sea to see NZ. The beach where Moeraki boulders are strewn over the beach like some giant was throwing giant bowling balls from the top of the mountain. 

The paua shell items made for tourists to buy, then onto the green hills where the sheep only had to turn in a circle to eat. Unlike here where the paddocks are vast with much less brown grass. The ferns and forests and the quest to find a kiwi. The beautiful reflecting lakes and the rocky rivers lined with beautiful colourful lupins. The squares in the blue space ( the rivers and lakes ) represent the rocks and Mฤori art.The wineries and the museums. The square at the base of the black zig zag represents the tunnel and road  on the way to Milford Sound . The little penguins right up the top and the sea birds on the ocean. I loved the cruise on the sound. So there you have it,  some of my memories from that NZ trip a long time ago now but sometimes seems like yesterday. I will embroider the date and occasion inside the tunnel square .  It’s far from a perfect beauty but for us it tells a story of an amazing trip to a beautiful country. And I hope I haven’t offended any of my New Zealand blog friends with my depiction. ๐Ÿ˜„

I love the symbolism 

How it started - from the bottom up - no real idea just the story of the fabric 

Friday 9 August 2024

Playing Catch Up

 I feel like I’ve been in catch up with my Chookshed Stitchers Challenges. But I am trying my best. 

August should be EPP projects but I have just ed my bear quilt from a while back . I decided to use a minke blanket as a backing. NOT my favourite. I learnt to float the quilt during quilting and NOT to baste it across top and bottom or down the sides.  

Any way it is for Hubby and he won’t mind a glitch or two.  This is the last of  3 panels he bought me when he went to the USA a few years ago now. The minke type blanket I used on the back is very warm, soft and cozy.

I was only able to  complete the centre panel of “ Cloverdale House “ last month so like this one it may take some time before it’s finished .

Warm and cozy bear quilt

It’s very hard to see the quilting on the back
Still very much learning

Saturday 3 August 2024

August Challenge

So number 3 for me is an English Paper Piecing Project. I have two on the go .
“ Lucy Boston ” and one other. I will dig these out tomorrow to get started on. They won’t be finished but I can progress them.  



Cloverdale House

Cloverdale House Centre Motif 

I have finished the centre motif and will continue to work on this project .  The hardest part is finished now.


Tuesday 2 July 2024

July Challenge- Chookshed Stitchers

Well I'm sorry I did not get to June's Challenge - YET!. Life was just too full. -
July's Challenge number one is Cloverdale House. This is what I have already done on Cloverdale house. It was designed by the late Di Ford Hall. It is a beautiful quilt with lots of fussy cut applique and Broderie Perse.I was fortunate to do a workshop with her at "Cottage on the Hill" in Nundle .
I had to share this on my blog. My mum and my grandchildren.

Friday 28 June 2024

Progress on my New Zealand Quilt

Sometimes life gets in the way of quilt challenges. I'm trying hard to catch up on May and June. May was my New Zealand quilt and I have been designing as I go. It's still a work in progress. It's not a work of art but it is about remembering our 25 Anniversaty holiday. Wow it's taken a while to get to it but it's happening now. It's only finished to the row of lupins. We were married in 1982 so I will let you do the math. So it means two days to get my June project at least started -The llama quilt. Wish me luck. I tell you a puppy is like a new baby, no, a toddler into everything. I've never had a small dog or an inside dog before. It's a learning curve but she does like to sit on the chair next to me when I sew. . '

Friday 14 June 2024

A NewFamily Member

 Sometimes by chance a new family member comes into your life. Meet Minnie. So named because she is so small. She is a Maltese Schitzu crossed with a mini fox terrier. She looks Maltese but has the tenacity of a terrier. We have never had a small dog before and now we have one and a puppy at that. So I have been kept on my toes. Great company when hubby is away. My mum has also been quite unwell and I have been caring for her so I have a few challenges getting my challenges done. However she is much better now so I’ll get back to it after my long weekend getaway which I have to say I am enjoying. Then I am working for 3 , 3 day weeks then life will be normal again if there is any such thing. 

My friend and I are currently on  a girls weekend at Noosa. We are having a lovely time dining out having coffee, walking by the beach and relaxing  before I start my 3 week work stint. 

Julie and I 

 Now for my little effort on my New Zealand quilt from May. I also have the bear quilt on my new larger frame and am trying a minke type blanket for a backing so we’ll see how I go . 
Catch you later everyone . Happy Sewing๐Ÿ˜