Monday, 13 January 2025

Revived from Davy Jones Locker

 Well all I can say is that when you really give the sewing sewing room a good clean out you get this over arching feeling of guilt that you started a very simple quilt a very, very , long time ago .  It has stared at me through a big plastic box everyday but was never touched. So today was the day. The top is finished now even though it’s a bit wonky. This quilt goes back to my early days of quilting when I didn’t know to cut plaids on the line of pattern not just using the ruler . Consequently it looks a bit wonky in places but it will keep someone warm. Note to self “ don’t use  chenille again. There is blue fluff all over the place, very messy. May be that’s why it went back in the box all that time ago.  

I should be working on my pineapple quilt for the challenge . That will be tomorrow. 

In the  beginning when this first came out  from the deep depths of the sewing room…
 Ha! Ha! How embarrassing!

A wonky start
It’s done ready to be quilted. 

Friday, 3 January 2025



See I knew , in my last post I said Deana would come through with a challenge list . Thank you . And it is number 6 for January ! 

My Challenge List

1. Work on Coverdale House 

2.Finish hand quilting and bind a toile quilt 

3. Annie Downs project bag

4. Quilt “My Favourite Things”

5. Quilt New Zealand Quilt

6. Finish Pineapple Quilt  Flimsy

7. Quilt Pineapple Quilt

8 Work on Lucy Boston again 

9. A Christmas Project 

10.Finish Confetti Quilt

  Hopefully while I’m working on these I will slip in getting started on Sunshine and Lolly Pops by Annie Downs.   

Happy Quilting 


Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy New Year 2025

 Well here we go, a new year,  a new adventure. Happy New Year To All . I hope it is happy, healthy and prosperous. Especially on the quilting progress front.

No,  No I will!!  I promise because Deana will make us with her challenge and I promise myself to sew more this year. 

I’m sorry to the zoomers  I haven’t been on a lot but I either hadn’t checked my email or I was away I’m sure I’ll be better at that in 2025 too. 
Everyone has gone home now the house is quiet and so empty…. But don’t worry Bernie wants to take me fishing tomorrow and the next day because we bought a small fishing boat for Christmas. Wish me luck. 
So the sewing room will be waiting a few more days.  Bye for now. 

Friday, 20 December 2024

Merry Christmas 2024

Well another Christmas has come around seeming like it was quicker than the last. I don't know why time seems to travel faster as we get older. My theory is a year is a percentage of your life.The older you get the percentage gets smaller and hence the years seem to going faster. I wish you all in blog land a very Merry Christmas and a happy,prosperous and healthy New Year. We have just spent a week on Queensland's Gold Coast and now it's time to go home with the house full. Such a wonderful time of the year. I love that my family comes home and all the cousins catch up. We will have 25 around our Christmas dinner table this year. The boys will cook the meats and everyone will contribute so happy days. There will be swimming , water skiing and fishing. Definitely back yard cricket and lots of fun. Expected temperature 35 degrees Celsius . 

Each year when we visit the Gold Coast for a week ( both sets and grandparents and Josh and Em and the kids ) we make Christmas clothes and all wear them to Movie World to the White Christmas Parade. Yes for the Northern hemisphere , yes, we have fake snow , bubbles that don’t melt in the heat. 

More wins 


Found our spot to watch

They always have to try to win at the games alley. They thought they were made. Mum and dad thought OMG where will we put them in the caravan
So blessed to have an Extended Family that we connect with and love

My family , The kids are 11 and 8 here. We are in this year’s Christmas outfits of course.

So from my family to yours , Merry Christmas and catch you in the New Year.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Christmas 2024 Ready Early

 When do you get ready for Christmas? I find the older I get the longer it takes and the harder it is to get to those higher places. Proof was in the pudding when I fell on my bum off the first step of the step ladder. Ouch!! I realised the next time it’s our turn for Christmas (2 years time)  our granddaughter will be 13 so I wanted to make this Christmas extra special. We have the next 2 weekends out of town so this week was the time. I don’t use a real tree as it’s just too hot for them to last the distance. This year I’m going with a new theme.. gingerbread men/ people and houses. I thought after the same thing for the past 10 years it was time for a change.  Now the decorating is done the cooking is next.

This is my usual decorating but with miss Minnie the snow just won’t work. 

This is gingerbread land with lights 

This is this without 
A friend bought me these when she heard about my theme. 
One of my favourite quilts. 

And we cannot forget the reason for the season.

Friday, 15 November 2024

2024 Stitches and Craft Fair Brisbane

In October traveled to Brisbane for an appointment and I was so pleased to be able to stay with a fellow blogger and friend Susan “oh2sew” and it just so happened the Stitches and Craft Fair was on that week. We had a lovely time. I also caught up with a few more Brisbane bloggers and stitchers like Linda , Maureen ,Cheryl, Fiona and Michelle. Over the last 12 months  I have been to Brisbane a few times and these ladies have had sewing dates which they’ve  invited me to join . They have made me feel so welcome and that’s the beauty of blog and quilting friends. 

The Queensland Quilters had a quilt show at the fair. There were many beautiful quilts on display. I have picked 2 of my favourites to show you. I just love the colours and shapes in this quilt. The name “Perseverance” is very apt. It certainly would take it to complete squch a task. The other quilt just jumped right off the wall and got in your face. There was a gallery of quilts and then the was The Queen of Rubies”. How quirky and bold is she?  Must be the season for quirky because the pizza quilts certainly fell into that category. A little fun with scraps I would say. Then of course there was a little shopping. 




Oh So Busy With Fun Stuff

 Well hello everyone in blogland. I’m sorry this post has  been so long coming.    I apologise now for it being photo heavy but pictures say a thousand words . This was my October. 

Dear friend Gary(right) turned 70 .. party
His son flew in from Mexico for only  2 days to celebrate with him. That’s so special.  
Old friends ( bottom left Gary’s wife)
6 hour drive to Bundaberg for our granddaughters dance concert. She was the wolf in red riding hood.  
The girls love the make up
Then a day to myself at the beach sewing EPP with the other crafters at Bargara Beach  Surf Club. A 6.00am start with coffee of course.  
Then there is taking my grandson fishing while the men played lawn bowls. He finally believed I could bait a line. He was a little worried of course because at this age they would rather get your hands smelly than theirs. 
Then another birthday .. guess who - hubby. 
Some beach time for us and Minnie time for the kids 
How she got in that tiny puppy play pen I don’t know
He took the easy option 
Then to Brisbane another 400km to see the musical , “ Wicked” and spend one day and night with each grandchild just me and them. What fun we had. 
Brisbane Qld Australia 
On the Brisbane big wheel overlooking the river city. 
Mock-tails for her trampoline sling jump for him
The finale was their state rep basketball game for u/12’s.  So very proud of her. No 74
The  End .. now I need rest ….but no the next instalment in the crazy life of a retired grandma
 coming up  soon..