I don't think I can have a blog without talking about COVID-19 so don't read this if you know all about it as I am sure everyone does by now. Its now a pandemic .
This Pandemic has swept across the world like a tornado of sickness, death and discomfort for all.
It started in China and quickly spread across the world with international travelers. Entire cruise ships have been quarantined. Italy was one of the first countries badly hit by the virus, then it spread through out Europe the UK , the USA and of course here to Australia . I don't think any country will escape this pandemic.
Today in Australia we have 5,100 cases, 345 recovered and 23 have died. In the USA 201,312 have the virus 5,110 have dies and 8,878 have recovered. That is just an example at this moment. Those figures are climbing every day.
So what's happening. The borders of the States are closed for the first time in one hundred years.
All pubs, clubs, restaurants and coffee shops are closed. Only takeaway is available.
The Australian border is closed. Anyone coming home from overseas has to isolate for 14 days in hotels. Anyone over 70 or with lowered immune system or chronic illness should be staying home. Anyone over 70 cannot visit anyone in hospital.Self isolation is what people are being told to do.
You cannot gather in groups and only one other person can visit your home at a time.
People out in public need to stay 1.5 m apart
Schools are closed for extended holidays and may be for a longer time , no one knows what will happen in 3 weeks.
The list goes on- never have we had these limitations to save peoples lives, the economy is falling rapidly because so many businesses are closed. Only what they class as essential services are open.
The stores are out of most non perishable things because people are panic buying.
Nurses and doctors and pharmacists are being called out of retirement and the army is helping with monitoring isolation, and in businesses making medical masks and sanitizers. It is a crazy world and a little scary I guess.
I feel most for all the health workers putting themselves on the front line. THANK YOU !
We are not supposed to travel out of our area.
One can't complain when authorities are trying to save lives.
I only have one -
The thing I'm really having trouble with is not seeing my Son , Daughter in law and grandchildren.
I so miss my grand babies at this time and especially the thought of not seeing them for months.... thank goodness for technology and smart phones.
I thought I should record this on my blog just because its happening.
Stay safe every one stay home , wash your hands a lot, phone your friends and practice social distancing.
The symptoms |
The virus |