Tuesday 2 July 2024

July Challenge- Chookshed Stitchers

Well I'm sorry I did not get to June's Challenge - YET!. Life was just too full. -
July's Challenge number one is Cloverdale House. This is what I have already done on Cloverdale house. It was designed by the late Di Ford Hall. It is a beautiful quilt with lots of fussy cut applique and Broderie Perse.I was fortunate to do a workshop with her at "Cottage on the Hill" in Nundle .
I had to share this on my blog. My mum and my grandchildren.

Friday 28 June 2024

Progress on my New Zealand Quilt

Sometimes life gets in the way of quilt challenges. I'm trying hard to catch up on May and June. May was my New Zealand quilt and I have been designing as I go. It's still a work in progress. It's not a work of art but it is about remembering our 25 Anniversaty holiday. Wow it's taken a while to get to it but it's happening now. It's only finished to the row of lupins. We were married in 1982 so I will let you do the math. So it means two days to get my June project at least started -The llama quilt. Wish me luck. I tell you a puppy is like a new baby, no, a toddler into everything. I've never had a small dog or an inside dog before. It's a learning curve but she does like to sit on the chair next to me when I sew. . '

Friday 14 June 2024

A NewFamily Member

 Sometimes by chance a new family member comes into your life. Meet Minnie. So named because she is so small. She is a Maltese Schitzu crossed with a mini fox terrier. She looks Maltese but has the tenacity of a terrier. We have never had a small dog before and now we have one and a puppy at that. So I have been kept on my toes. Great company when hubby is away. My mum has also been quite unwell and I have been caring for her so I have a few challenges getting my challenges done. However she is much better now so I’ll get back to it after my long weekend getaway which I have to say I am enjoying. Then I am working for 3 , 3 day weeks then life will be normal again if there is any such thing. 

My friend and I are currently on  a girls weekend at Noosa. We are having a lovely time dining out having coffee, walking by the beach and relaxing  before I start my 3 week work stint. 

Julie and I 

 Now for my little effort on my New Zealand quilt from May. I also have the bear quilt on my new larger frame and am trying a minke type blanket for a backing so we’ll see how I go . 
Catch you later everyone . Happy Sewing😍

Monday 27 May 2024

Practise , Practise, Practise.

 Practise, Practice that is what I have to do on my long arm. I found this flimsy in the cupboard and thought it would be a  good practice project. Don’t know how old it is. I think way back in my learning years it should have been blocks . Ha ha!!  Useful fir practise. As you will see, still a very long long way to go.

New Zealand Quilt.

 Wow I’m glad the challenge is to work on a project . No way I’ll be done this month but I have started. It’s quite hard to design a quilt I think. I was not feeling very creative either. But I have it now. I bought this fabric, I thought ,not that long ago, however, I’m glad it hasn’t deteriorated with time. It was our 25th wedding anniversary trip and now we are past 40. Whoops!! Lucky I put this project in the challenge. 

The planning

The Fabric
Yep I had to search for this one

There is a range but not a lot of each so I will add some plain or contrasting

Monday 20 May 2024

Stitching with Susan

 It was very special to be invited to stay over at  Susan Oh to Sew's house  to join one of her stitching groups for the morning. While I was there Susan showed me how to make a kiwi bird block with foundation piecing. It was the first time I have ever done that technique. Thank you Susan.

This was totally the best timing since the Chookshed Stitchers Challenge is to work on my New Zealand Quilt. I have no idea what I am doing but this little bird will be in it.I visited New Zealand and bought some fabric there to make into a quilt. So now is the time.

In the process.  The colour isn't true though, it was a lovely green background.

Mine is on the left and Susan's on the right, mine has no legs yet.


Monday 6 May 2024

Kenilworth Family Camping

 Every year on the May Day long weekend we go camping with family and friends to Kenilworth Homestead grounds. We circle the wagons and it all happens . Swimming, campfire cooking , games and a few beers of course. The kids even made some film . Follow the link if you want to see it. Subscribe if you like it. It’s my sons you tube Channel. A funny wrestling video will follow soon.

https://youtu.be/kmQegORnr6o?si=1yN_4kdG5W4G1JWf   (Cob loaf instructions ) and it was good.

Totally written made and produced by the kids.

This year we even had a world champion wrestling competition and a cooking presentation. The kids of course. No children or adults were harmed in these presentations. The boys just loved it. 

The wrestlers

The adult getting crushed

The audience- both sides

Kenilworth is known for its doughnuts.. people line up for ages to get one..yes they are good . Custard, Nutella, Kinder, lemon curd …yum 

Kenilworth is also known for its rainy weather 2 fine days 2 rainy days . We just sit around the fire with a brolly

Our camp

The boys planning the wrestling match 

Sorry no sewing this weekend . 😀

Family visit to Noosa

 Finally I got to see where my brother and his wife  live in Noosa. He’s been there for 2 years and this is my first visit . It was very wet but we went to ‘Sum Yung Guys’ for lunch so if you ever get a chance go for a meal …delicious. They totally spoilt us with a seafood lunch at home on day one. We went on a pontoon boat on the river and had a few drinks of course. So good to catch up . 

My younger brother 

The other half

Bug and prawn salad
The locals.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Holiday time

Crazy tree 

 We have taken a break for Bernie’s annual holiday .we are spending a little time just west of the sunshine coat. Munduberra, Gayndah, Eidsvold , Kandangah,  Imbil, Noosa and Hervey Bay.


The best sausage rolls at Munduberra bakery
Last home of the famous R M Williams 

R.M.Williams saddle
Stockman’s gear
RMWilliams gear 
Photo of RMWilliams 
Eidsvold Bush Learning Centre- here you will see the RMWilliams story 
Rare lung fish found in the river at Munduberra
One of the largest citrus growing areas in Qld

Historical railway Gayndah

  Munduberra- 3 rivers caravan park 

Burnett River - beautiful view from the lookout

Goomeri bush camp - so peaceful

Bowls at Kandanga 

ANZAC day at Kandanga dawn service 

Camping at the bowls club Kandangar

Oyster feast at Noosa 
Prawn and Morton bay bug feast
A day on the water with my brother


Tiaro Coffee Shop- very retro..love this 

Hervey Bay 

Breakfast spannercrab and prawn

Talk more when I get home …. Stay safe and stay sewing