Friday, 31 January 2025

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge -January

 Pineapple Pretty is such a happy quilt , it makes me smile whenever I look at it. January’s challenge was number 6  and that for me was “Pineapple Pretty” with  fabric designed by Tula Pink and produced by Free Spirit. I am just one block away  from being done , I almost made it by the 31st . The flimsy will be finished tomorrow though. 

Finally back into my sewing space after what seems years. 
Piece by Piece it’s  coming together
One small section to go but it will happen tomorrow.


 Just couldn’t  resist a matching pin cushion and foot control mat. 

Monday, 27 January 2025

Happy Australia Day

 I hope all my Aussie friends had a great Australia Day. We had friends and family over for a barbecue breakfast with lamb of course. It was quite hot but not too bad in the scheme of things. I’m glad B was cooking. There was also some pool relaxation. 

Monday, 20 January 2025

Beautiful Bags Feeling Neglected Spring Retreat Baradine

 This past 6 months  has been so crazy that I didn’t even blog about the spring retreat in Baradine . Chooky organised it with Deb from the shop in Coonabarabran . It’s a great shop if anyone is down that way. “The Crafters Cottage. “  There were some faces I knew and some I didn’t but we had a lovely weekend and went away with new quilty friends. I made a couple of very useful basket bags from Tula Pink fabric.

Deb had a pop up shop

Brenda had recovered from the fall she had at the last retreat. 

Spring daisies from Donna’s property

Chatting as usual

Then there were two One for me and one for my SIL for when we go on our next road trip

The Beginnings of a Pineapple Quilt using Tula Pink fabric

This is my first project for the 2025 Chookshed  Challenge. Found the pattern and cut it out. I love this quilt the Tula Pink designed fabric is so happy and bright.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Revived from Davy Jones Locker

 Well all I can say is that when you really give the sewing sewing room a good clean out you get this over arching feeling of guilt that you started a very simple quilt a very, very , long time ago .  It has stared at me through a big plastic box everyday but was never touched. So today was the day. The top is finished now even though it’s a bit wonky. This quilt goes back to my early days of quilting when I didn’t know to cut plaids on the line of pattern not just using the ruler . Consequently it looks a bit wonky in places but it will keep someone warm. Note to self “ don’t use  chenille again. There is blue fluff all over the place, very messy. May be that’s why it went back in the box all that time ago.  

I should be working on my pineapple quilt for the challenge . That will be tomorrow. 

In the  beginning when this first came out  from the deep depths of the sewing room…
 Ha! Ha! How embarrassing!

A wonky start
It’s done ready to be quilted. 

Friday, 3 January 2025



See I knew , in my last post I said Deana would come through with a challenge list . Thank you . And it is number 6 for January ! 

My Challenge List

1. Work on Coverdale House 

2.Finish hand quilting and bind a toile quilt 

3. Annie Downs project bag

4. Quilt “My Favourite Things”

5. Quilt New Zealand Quilt

6. Finish Pineapple Quilt  Flimsy

7. Quilt Pineapple Quilt

8 Work on Lucy Boston again 

9. A Christmas Project 

10.Finish Confetti Quilt

  Hopefully while I’m working on these I will slip in getting started on Sunshine and Lolly Pops by Annie Downs.   

Happy Quilting 


Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy New Year 2025

 Well here we go, a new year,  a new adventure. Happy New Year To All . I hope it is happy, healthy and prosperous. Especially on the quilting progress front.

No,  No I will!!  I promise because Deana will make us with her challenge and I promise myself to sew more this year. 

I’m sorry to the zoomers  I haven’t been on a lot but I either hadn’t checked my email or I was away I’m sure I’ll be better at that in 2025 too. 
Everyone has gone home now the house is quiet and so empty…. But don’t worry Bernie wants to take me fishing tomorrow and the next day because we bought a small fishing boat for Christmas. Wish me luck. 
So the sewing room will be waiting a few more days.  Bye for now.