Friday, 31 January 2025

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge -January

 Pineapple Pretty is such a happy quilt , it makes me smile whenever I look at it. January’s challenge was number 6  and that for me was “Pineapple Pretty” with  fabric designed by Tula Pink and produced by Free Spirit. I am just one block away  from being done , I almost made it by the 31st . The flimsy will be finished tomorrow though. 

Finally back into my sewing space after what seems years. 
Piece by Piece it’s  coming together
One small section to go but it will happen tomorrow.


loulee said...

That looks great and I love that some of the fabrics are fussy cut.

Lianne Makes Stuff said...

Your right it is a happy quilt and it looks great

Janice said...

“Happy” is the perfect description and it screams tropical Queensland. It will be so good when you get all the blocks together.

Jeanette said...

Very pretty quilt.