Saturday, 1 February 2025

January Challenge “Pining for You” Pineapple . Flimsy Done

 And the challenge is done for January. I am so pleased with the flimsy. Now to quilt it. I sent a photo to  my granddaughter (11) and she wants it because the colours are so cool. We will see. Happy Quilting ! 


loulee said...

A beautiful quilt top.

Susan said...

it looks great!

Cheryll said...

They all look fantastic... no wonder your GD wants it... xox

Denice Barker said...

Wow, you really did a great job finishing this so quickly. And how can you say no to a grand daughter?

Sharmayne - Country Fragrance said...

It looks fabulous Jenny

Anonymous said...

Love it. It screams tropical and “cool” so would definitely be loved by your granddaughter.

Janice said...

Oops. That anonymous comment was me, Janice.

Anonymous said...

Go Jen. What a lovely quilt