Sunday 30 January 2022

Waiting Time

 I have been spending g time getting some hand stitching don’t while Hubby worked in Brisbane this week. Lucy Boston has been receiving my attention . This is the first step to putting her together.

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Thanks for the comments and a bind

 Thanks Reawyn , Jeanette and dq for your comments. I don't know why I'm not getting them on my email sorry.  Today I spent time sewing a bind onto a quilt I have had done for a while, ready for some hand sewing after my knee operation Monday.

Thursday 20 January 2022


 My new happy place is finished. I am so lucky and so thankful. The sliding cupboard doors arrived yesterday. It all looks so  neat now. I just have to tidy up after each sewing stint. 

This morning I woke early and spent time in my happy place to make these little cutlery holders. I  hate those wooden spoons they give you  with takeaway food . They are so raspy on your tongue. No plastic anymore. So I carry my own . I made some cases from the plastic coated fabric you can get these days. I'ts washable and light weight. I made some for friends as well.

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Today we had a wild wind and dust storm and I was hemmed in by flyaway and umbrella grass, never before have I had it that I had to wade through it to get out the door. Nothing was damaged but the whole  yard is a mess with it. Tomorrow I need to clean up the entire fence line.  Grrr. 

This stretched back a couple of metres but you cant see that so well 

And after this amazing rainbow with a difference 


My New Happy Place.

 For the past few months I and the builder  have been working on making my custom sewing room .Everything has been packed away but now its ready to go. I am so super lucky to have this and I am so super happy I no longer have piles of plastic tubs, I now have drawers , I no longer have machines and things on the floor, I now have them in the cupboard and I no longer have carpet to trap the pins. I am just waiting on my sliding doors for the big built in . So ready to get sewing but a knee replacement surgery on the 31st Jan might slow me down a bit. But I will get in there. 

Walk in here 

Yep my own TV and design wall . I can move the cutting table when i need to its on wheels