Monday 16 October 2017

Perfectly Pleasing Pin Cushion Parade Prize

I was surprised when I received notification that I had won a prize in the Perfectly Pleasing Pin Cushion Parade.  Thank you Ida. I have also won an embroidery pattern... thank you for that as well.

I think I should thank my good friend and quilting buddy Gail  for the pin cushion she made me and another friend, Dawnie for my orange. ( check them out in the previous post.    I am sure it was these  two pin cushions that received  all the comments and helped me win a  prize. Thank you ladies.
Check it out in September's blog 


Sharm said...

Great prizes! I too was surprised when Ida told me I had a win in the parade as well - apparently a calendar will be making its way here at some stage -

Janice said...

How exciting. Well done

Susan said...

Congratulations - I do love the orange one.