Friday, 15 November 2024

Oh So Busy With Fun Stuff

 Well hello everyone in blogland. I’m sorry this post has  been so long coming.    I apologise now for it being photo heavy but pictures say a thousand words . This was my October. 

Dear friend Gary(right) turned 70 .. party
His son flew in from Mexico for only  2 days to celebrate with him. That’s so special.  
Old friends ( bottom left Gary’s wife)
6 hour drive to Bundaberg for our granddaughters dance concert. She was the wolf in red riding hood.  
The girls love the make up
Then a day to myself at the beach sewing EPP with the other crafters at Bargara Beach  Surf Club. A 6.00am start with coffee of course.  
Then there is taking my grandson fishing while the men played lawn bowls. He finally believed I could bait a line. He was a little worried of course because at this age they would rather get your hands smelly than theirs. 
Then another birthday .. guess who - hubby. 
Some beach time for us and Minnie time for the kids 
How she got in that tiny puppy play pen I don’t know
He took the easy option 
Then to Brisbane another 400km to see the musical , “ Wicked” and spend one day and night with each grandchild just me and them. What fun we had. 
Brisbane Qld Australia 
On the Brisbane big wheel overlooking the river city. 
Mock-tails for her trampoline sling jump for him
The finale was their state rep basketball game for u/12’s.  So very proud of her. No 74
The  End .. now I need rest ….but no the next instalment in the crazy life of a retired grandma
 coming up  soon.. 


Janice said...

You can’t get a much better month than that. I’m tired just reading it all. Such special time with family and friends.

Denice Barker said...

Wow, Jenny! What great times you are having! Love seeing the kids as they grow too quickly

Chookyblue...... said...

So special........