Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy New Year 2025

 Well here we go, a new year,  a new adventure. Happy New Year To All . I hope it is happy, healthy and prosperous. Especially on the quilting progress front.

No,  No I will!!  I promise because Deana will make us with her challenge and I promise myself to sew more this year. 

I’m sorry to the zoomers  I haven’t been on a lot but I either hadn’t checked my email or I was away I’m sure I’ll be better at that in 2025 too. 
Everyone has gone home now the house is quiet and so empty…. But don’t worry Bernie wants to take me fishing tomorrow and the next day because we bought a small fishing boat for Christmas. Wish me luck. 
So the sewing room will be waiting a few more days.  Bye for now. 


Barwitzki said...

YES. That's a lovely little boat... we spent many years on holiday in Norway and fished in the fjords with a boat like that... I wish you luck with fishing, quilting and other lovely things for 2025... and good health, above all.
Best wishes from Viola

Susan said...

Have fun in the boat....but I know where I would rather be!
Happy New Year!

Denice Barker said...

And to you, Jenny and Bernie! Looks like you are doing well, decompressing and you can always hand stitch in a boat!

dq said...

You are always missed! So glad you are joining in again. I will link to your blog and add you to the list. I am slowly getting it in order and visiting blog friends.

Janice said...

I’m glad you had a nice Christmas. Enjoy your time with Bernie. The sewing room will still be there.

Janice said...

Enjoy your time with Bernie. The sewing will still be there