Friday 14 June 2024

A NewFamily Member

 Sometimes by chance a new family member comes into your life. Meet Minnie. So named because she is so small. She is a Maltese Schitzu crossed with a mini fox terrier. She looks Maltese but has the tenacity of a terrier. We have never had a small dog before and now we have one and a puppy at that. So I have been kept on my toes. Great company when hubby is away. My mum has also been quite unwell and I have been caring for her so I have a few challenges getting my challenges done. However she is much better now so I’ll get back to it after my long weekend getaway which I have to say I am enjoying. Then I am working for 3 , 3 day weeks then life will be normal again if there is any such thing. 

My friend and I are currently on  a girls weekend at Noosa. We are having a lovely time dining out having coffee, walking by the beach and relaxing  before I start my 3 week work stint. 

Julie and I 

 Now for my little effort on my New Zealand quilt from May. I also have the bear quilt on my new larger frame and am trying a minke type blanket for a backing so we’ll see how I go . 
Catch you later everyone . Happy Sewing😍

1 comment:

Susan said...

oh, so cute & adorable

Happy enjoying your get away - hope your mum stays well . . .enjoy the brief stint back at work.

Hopefully the larger frame makes it all much easier.