Friday 28 June 2024

Progress on my New Zealand Quilt

Sometimes life gets in the way of quilt challenges. I'm trying hard to catch up on May and June. May was my New Zealand quilt and I have been designing as I go. It's still a work in progress. It's not a work of art but it is about remembering our 25 Anniversaty holiday. Wow it's taken a while to get to it but it's happening now. It's only finished to the row of lupins. We were married in 1982 so I will let you do the math. So it means two days to get my June project at least started -The llama quilt. Wish me luck. I tell you a puppy is like a new baby, no, a toddler into everything. I've never had a small dog or an inside dog before. It's a learning curve but she does like to sit on the chair next to me when I sew. . '

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